Vargas Playboy Price Guide  as of 2004

It is not practical to list each and every Image that Vargas did for Playboy. There is a general rule of thumb for these images.
If you want to view these items as well as all the Vargas Images he did for Playboy, you can go to the Playboy Years

    Playboy Item

Min Price

Max Price

Mar 1957 Playboy Complete



Single Page image



Double Page Image



Heavy Stock Gatefolds



"He Loves Me" poster
Note: This poster is available in limited numbers at "The Pin-Up Gallery"



May 1968 Poster



Playboy Portfolio Edition with Envelope



Individual Posters from Portfolio Edition



Playboy Vargas Puzzle



Vargas Playboy Shirt



This Price Guide is the results of tracking the going rate of items on eBay and other online auctions sites as of 2004. This guide is just that, a Guide, and are in no means an attempt to set rules on what an item is worth. When purchasing a collectable item the golden rule of thumb is buy what you like! And pay what it is worth TO YOU! This guide is just to give you an idea of what a "Fair Market Value" of an item may be. You will notice that all items have a Minimum and a Maximum Price, as with any collectable, especially paper, condition plays an important part in determining it's value. If you get an item at the low price and it is in excellent condition you can be assured you got a good deal.